How to Write Unlikable (but still compelling) Characters: Yellowface Book Review

R.F Kuang’s latest novel, Yellowface, has been everywhere recently. And for good reason. The book is a twisty, compelling read, with characters you’ll love to hate and a healthy dose of publishing industry critique.

Poppy Solomon: How to Prepare for Professional Editing

If you’re reading this post, I’m assuming you have at least one draft of your book down (or you’re just getting ahead with research and planning, which is amazing!) and you’re wondering what the next step is. How do you know if you’re ready for professional editing?

In this post, we’ll discuss some steps to help you figure out if you’re ready to work with an editor, talk about how to prepare to work best with an editor, and go over some tips on finding the right one to work with, and what comes next.

The Dragon Healer by Tiani Davids: Writing Dragons and fictional languages

Today we’re celebrating the launch of The Dragon Healer by Aussie Indie author, Tiani Davids with a review (from yours truly) and an interview with the author herself.

Read on for details about self-publishing in Australia, and recommendations for world-building in the fantasy genre.

When “Write every day” isn’t an option: Chronic Illness and publishing

It’s the classic writing advice: write every day. But what about when that’s just not an option? For many people, writing advice like this can add stress and strain, rather than fostering creativity and motivation.

Are Unreliable Narrators Unlikable? The Maid Book Review

In this post we’ll be talking about what makes unreliable narrators potentially unlikable to readers, how to use this strategy effectively in your writing, and discuss The Maid by Nita Prose as a case study for the unreliable narrator. If you haven’t yet read The Maid, I’ve done my best to avoid spoilers.

How Do Coauthors Write A Book? Interview with Lauren Sevier and Abbie Smith

Guns & Smoke was written by coauthors, Lauren Sevier and Abbie Smith. In this post, I’m delighted to interview them about their journey to publication and ask them your burning questions about all things coauthoring.

What Is Your Ideal Writing Set Up? Desk chair edition

I get a lot of questions about my writing and office set-up. If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve likely seen my desk and laptop at some stage. This blog is usually focused on the craft of writing, but today we’ll chat about some of my essentials for a good writing set-up.

7 Tips To Make Character Descriptions More Interesting

All writers seem to know that characters need to be described in a way that’s interesting. Readers want to be captivated, intrigued and entertained by the fictional (or real) people they encounter on the page. But the actual how to make character descriptions interesting is harder to define.