The Dragon Healer by Tiani Davids: Writing Dragons and fictional languages

Today we’re celebrating the launch of The Dragon Healer by Aussie Indie author, Tiani Davids with a review (from yours truly) and an interview with the author herself.

Read on for details about self-publishing in Australia, and recommendations for world-building in the fantasy genre.

7 Tips for working away from home

In recent times, more people than ever before are working away from the traditional office. Whether it’s a hybrid model, or you’re full-time freelancing it up from your home – sometimes working remotely can be a challenge. It can be isolating, and challenging (especially if you have to share your space). So sometimes it’s aContinue reading “7 Tips for working away from home”

7 Writing Misconceptions Holding You Back

Writing is a challenge, there’s no question about that. But the ideas that we hold about the writing process can either help or hinder us. Today we’re talking writing misconceptions that might be holding you back from achieving your personal writing goals.

What to Consider When Worldbuilding

If you’ve attempted to write a fiction novel, you’ll know world building is challenging! Especially when it comes to fiction genres such as fantasy and sci-fi where reader expectation is high (along with your stress-levels).

Today we’ll be looking at a few elements of worldbuilding to consider as you write or revise your novel.

5 Tips for Creating a Bespoke Biography

Often when we think of biography we think of the rich and famous. But biographies can be a meaningful way for people to leave a lasting legacy for loved ones. If you’ve been thinking of beginning a biography project, here are a few helpful tips for navigating your biography project.